My Redhead Roomate
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- December 12, 2022 by myredheadroomate1#non-binary, #plot, #character, #game development, #design, #drawing, #personalities, #visual novel, #endings, #China, #Shanghai, #clothing, #uniform, #LGBTQ, #LGBTIn this post, I'll go over how I came up with the idea, plotted it out, created and drew characters, and felt after releasing the game. The idea came to me when my friend L and I were brainstorming on... Continue reading
- December 12, 2022 by myredheadroomate1#first-time, #beginner, #visual novel, #tutorial, #game developmentIn this post, I'll share the steps that I took to make the visual novel for the first time, from 0 to 1. I hope it will be helpful and encouraging for beginners like me. First, I had an idea and a gen... Continue reading